F79DTVSD6V8C I’ve been visiting blogs this morning and followed a link from Mary Lou Zeek’s blog to one of the artists participating in the 100 Artists show: Jessica Burke. She is an Art  professor at Western Oregon State University and does some fabulous work!  Check out her blog! Also, Mary Lou has posted some of the very creative products of the 100 Artists project… so fun to see what everyone comes up with to help this great cause. Dayna Collins has posted her creation on her blog here, and I love what Katherine Dunn did with her can… see it here.

Jessica  included a link in one post that is so funny…. the instant art critique. Put in any five numbers and it generates a phrase that will make you sound pithy, smart or at least over-educated when talking about an art piece.  My numbers generated this lucious bit of art-speak:

“It should be added that the optical suggestions of the sexual signifier makes resonant the essentially transitional quality.”

It would be fun to look at a random painting and a random critique together and try to make sense of the two!

OK… enough procrastinating! Off to the studio 🙂

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