
I'm Ruth - Artist, Teacher, Juror

I’m glad you’re here. I offer original artwork, online classes, and in-person workshops. I think you’ll like what you see. Take a look around my corner of the web, keep in touch, and let me know how I can make your life more beautiful.

– Artist Ruth

About MeBlog

“Ruth has so much to offer in many different aspects of creating artwork. She is approachable and respectful. She ranks well among the other excellent classes I have taken.  Ruth is decisive and thoughtful with her answers. Her ability to be personal and honest yet gentle are commendable. The class was worth my time and money and I have come away with many ideas, both theoretical and practical to work with.”


Confident color in san miguel

Newest Blog Posts

A Delayed Reaction

A Delayed Reaction

"Writers do not live one life, they live two. There is the living and then there is the writing. There is the second tasting, the delayed reaction.""Wetlands Dawn" Oil & Cold Wax on Panel, 24" x 24" ©Ruth Armitage, Available at Art Decked Out Delayed reactions are...

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Don’t Pancake

Don’t Pancake

Don’t Pancake or Don’t Panic! Getting ready for a solo show is just beginning when you finish the artwork. Task list and Save the Date!

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A Love Letter to Yourself

A Love Letter to Yourself

Do you ever write a love letter to yourself? I always enjoy receiving comments on this blog but I really write to help myself remember. Writing this blog has been last on my list recently, but I always appreciate looking back at what I was thinking as I create, and I...

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