‘What is art? Art is Soul plus Intent.
What is soul? Soul is inner certainty.
What is Intent? Intent is outer certainty, a plan.
If I can make an artwork that has as much as possible of both, then I might make something interesting.’ – Felicia van Bork

“Meanderings” ©Ruth Armitage Watercolor & Acrylic on paper 22×30″
What do you think? Is the above quote a good definition of art? For me, it comes close to summarizing the balancing act that making art entails. My inner certainty, my soul, is expressed by creating outer certainty – a plan. How they interact, or combine results in a work of art.
Progressing through a plan in the creative process can be tricky, because one still has to keep the soul of the matter in mind. I’d be interested to hear how you perceive the creative process. Leave me a comment, or stop by the show this Sunday so we can chat in person!
You’re Invited!
Join me and 15 of my good art friends this Sunday, June 26, from 11:30 – 2:00 for the opening reception of Splash!
First Presbyterian Church, 1200 SW Alder Street, Portland, OR. Free parking underground; enter on 12th.
Participating artists: (click names for links to websites)
- Sally Bills Bailey
- Kathy Bethurum
- Sarah Bouwsma
- Linda Burgel
- Susie Cowan
- Susan Hinton
- Lois Larson
- Dyanne Locati
- Anna Mastellos Morris
- Linda Rothchild Ollis
- Kim Smith
- Hank Weber