When my daughter was small and I was on the verge of a stressed out melt down, she’d always quip: “Don’t Pancake, Mom!” Of course she meant, Don’t Panic!

Maybe it’s just daylight savings time making me want to hide under the blankets, but my sense of overwhelm has been growing this week. I’m trying not to ‘pancake.’

Preparing for a solo show seems a bit like preparing to have a baby – it’s major!

And just like birthing an infant, once the paintings (or baby) are finished, the work is just beginning.

Task List for a Solo Show:

1. prepare the paintings for presentation: wire, frame, label, price and inventory
2. photograph and document all the work
3. send press info to gallery
4. send press release to press outlets
5. create and print announcements
6. send and hand out announcements
7. create social media posts daily
8. create newsletter
9. update website
10. write blog post
11. deliver artwork
12. hang show
13. organize artist reception: help, food, beverages
14. document sales
15. write thank you’s to collectors
16. retrieve work and find a place to store it all

If I sound a bit harried this month, now you’ll know why! Want to help??! I’d love it – please share the invitation with your friends and family and make a plan to bring them along when you visit the show.

Finally, it would be great to see you at the opening. There is something magical about the buzz and excitement of the first glimpse of all that new work hanging together. It’s so much more impressive than seeing it in my studio.

Worried about visiting the gallery downtown? “Don’t Pancake!” Street parking is pretty easy these days – most meters accept credit cards or you can download the Parking Kitty app. And with days getting longer, the city is looking more beautiful every day.

The paintings are finished and the countdown to next month’s opening is on! 

Save the Date: Artist Reception








Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendar!

American Watercolor Society's 158th Annual Exhibition: April 7 - 25, 2025, Salmagundi Club, 47 5th Avenue, NYC

Abstract Acrylic painting by Ruth Armitage
Celestial Pull ©Ruth Armitage, 2024, Oil and Wax on Panel, 20" x 20"

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