My mornings start slowly, so this is the time I use for catching up on emails, browsing the web, and planning my day. This morning’s email brought a color forecast for fall from This site is great about sharing ideas to help artists and crafters succeed. So their key color predictions for fall are: Olive, Camel, Dusty Plum, Bright Red and Pale Blue.  What do you think? Have you heard other color predictions for this season?

"Contented Solitude" Watercolor & Gouache, 11x15 copyright Ruth Armitage 2010

As an artist, I often hear the comment “I love your colors!” This is something I’ve been thinking about quite a bit, as I consider how my new website should look, what my ‘brand’ or ‘image’ should look like, etc. When I’m in the painting mode, the colors that are ‘in vogue’ or the colors of my home or anyone’s home really are the furthest thing from my mind. I’m more likely to be feeling the emotion of the painting, and not thinking at all… just trying to get the color relationships right.

At my gallery opening at RiverSea in March, I took a chance & engaged a viewer… when they said “I love your Colors” I asked why or what they loved about the color. Their response: “It makes me feel comfortable.” I thought that was a very good answer, and it is something I look for as I paint. The color may not feel comfortable for everyone, but it feels good to me.

I have a couple of questions for those who would like to enter the dialog:

1) How do you choose colors for your home? By how they feel together, With a set Palette in mind? Etc.

2) How would you describe the color in my work?

3) Do you have experience working with a reasonably priced web designer?

I’d love to start some more discussion here, so leave me a comment 🙂

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