I had a hard time sleeping last night… worrying about a recent breast exam. Nothing concrete to biopsy, but they want me to come back next month for an MRI… I hate that!  So instead of stewing, I got up & finished my most recent obsession – I mean read.

Consider this my valentine to you…. a great recommendation for a terrific read. Ignore the subtitle on the cover that says this book is a novel about the Plague… It is a novel about love,  loving one’s neighbors and oneself. I read till probably 2 a.m. to finish it up last night. It was well worth dragging all day today.  I’ve read two other books by Geraldine Brooks: March and People of the Book. All three were excellent. I think this one ties with People of the Book as my favorites.

I was able to catch up on watching some tv shows that I had recorded…. one was Oregon Art Beat. What a nice surprise that I was featured in the calendar section at the end! They gave a nice plug for the 100 artists show at Mary Lou Zeek’s and showed my piece: Goat Girl 🙂 (KC Cowan rocks)

We are staying in tonight & playing cards with my sister & her husband… down home, cheap entertainment. If you don’t play pinochle, I highly recommend it. It is easy to learn & lots of fun 🙂 We plan to feast on a nice steak & some yummy wine too 🙂

I hope your day is sweet!

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