Learn About the Artist’s Palette

“Summer Storm II” ©Ruth Armitage, Watercolor on Paper, 22×30″
Join me from 12-3pm on Saturday, February 25th, 2017 at the Portland Art Museum’s Rental Sales Gallery. You’ll have a chance to meet and visit with 4 artists: Chris Bibby, Chuck Bloom, Rachel Wolf and me.
You’ll also get to explore different wines by Chehalem Vineyards to excite your palate.
Two palettes or palates in one day! (*grins*)
I have decided to talk about my color palette… something that remains fairly consistent between the different mediums I work in: Oil, Watercolor and Acrylic. Each artists palette is as individual as a snowflake. I’ll discuss some of my favorite hues and how I use them.
One thing non-artists may not know is that in each medium, the relative properties of a pigment remain fairly consistent. For instance, Cadmium Red is an opaque (can’t see through it) pigment in watercolor, acrylic and in oil paint. Pigments can be classified as transparent, semi-transparent or opaque. They can also be synthetic or organic, staining or non-staining, pure or neutral… You’ll hear me throwing a lot of these terms around when I discuss the pigments.
I’ll also talk about choosing a mixing surface for each medium. Watercolorists often refer to this mixing surface as a palette, so it can get confusing! Throw in the palate you use to taste food and wine, and a person could get lost in the terminology. Fortunately, both color and wine provide subtle and unlimited variations of bliss.
I will bring some new work, too, so come downtown and check it out! I’m including a handy map, so you can easily navigate, and parking isn’t usually a problem in this area. I hope to see you there!
The gallery is located on SW 10th Ave at Jefferson Street, Portland, Oregon. 503-224-0674
I have been following your posts for awhile now and sure wish I could hear this talk. I am in CA so it’s a little far but I bet it’s going to be informative.
Good luck. I hope you blog about the event.
Libby Fife
Thanks Libby! I wish you could be here; I’d love to meet you! Ruth