part of our new flock

I’ve been busy this past week painting, getting photos taken of the new work, planning my framing strategy, writing my artist’s statement, and generally worrying whether my paintings are looking their best. It’s kind of like the frenzy of getting ready to give birth!

Amidst all this activity, spring has arrived here on the farm. We’ve been planning our garden spaces, adding new babies to the flock, enjoying the new blossoms, building fences, and generally nesting in our new home. Here are some images to share:

An orchid shows her beautiful face in the window

Artist buddy Laura Mack's new baby at the Salem Art Association Auction

Jamee Linton and her cute husband at the auction

I’ve really been enjoying the support of my fellow artists lately. It is difficult to imagine what it’s like to put yourself out there, at an auction, exhibition or gallery unless you’ve been there yourself. It’s nice to compare notes, and realize you’re not the only one!

One of the ways I connect with fellow artists is by blogging. It was nice to meet artist and professor Jessica Burke at the Salem Art Association auction on Saturday night. We had exchanged messages via blog, but it was so much fun to meet her in person! Blogging is not just for networking, but also inspiration. Leslie Avon Miller shared a thought-provoking question on her coaching blog this weekend:

What is one of the top energy boosters in your creative practice (or life) that nourishes your creativity, your body and soul, and how can you honor that even more?

For me, it’s not just nature and life, but also music and poetry. I almost always have music on in my studio… all types. I love the random setting on my ipod, and it’s always interesting the way the songs that come up serendipitously dovetail into what I’m painting. I keep my poetry books close by, and sometimes type out parts of poems to keep on my inspiration board. These are some of the things that provide my daily inspiration, what about you?

Winter Morning View

I’d be interested in your response to this question… leave me a comment!

New work, influenced by my new surroundings!

"Private Tune" watercolor on paper 9x12"

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