This first week of December is full to bursting with social engagements. For an artist, who usually spends most of her time alone in the studio, it is a welcome chance to connect with friends and fellow artists.

The day after Thanksgiving, we started right in…. cut the Christmas tree & decorated with the kids, visited with college friends at the “Civil War”

What a beautiful day for a Football Game! November in Oregon?

What a beautiful day for a Football Game! November in Oregon?

(such a sad turn of events for the Beavers) and got ready for the big event of the year at my house: the Book Club Christmas party!

This is the first time I’ve hosted the Christmas dinner for this group, so the pressure was on! We don’t discuss a book in December, instead we choose a different charity each year to donate to… this year we chose the Susan Love/Avon Army of Women since my mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. After making a big dinner for 16 women, we enjoyed visiting, singing a carol and donating to this great cause. I had lots of compliments on my decorations and the food as a bonus! And I had a chance to show off my Father Christmas creations from last year and the year before…

Table Decorations

Table Decorations

Father Christmas, handmade in '08 out of Sculpey Clay & found objects

Father Christmas, handmade in '08 out of Sculpey Clay & found objects

Book Club friends from the past 15 years!

Book Club friends from the past 15 years!

The other end of the table

The other end of the table

Thursday my neighbor, Annette, invited a few women to her house for dinner and then off to see a play by Rick Tillman at Rolling Hills Community Church. It was my turn to be the guest!

Last night I got a spur of the moment invitation to dinner with friends, which was excellent since Marc was at the coast…. I just have to include one more shot of the beautiful weather we’ve been having here… this was Thanksgiving week… I had to go down to testify in the case of Goldylocks (see previous post Here)

November 26, Newport Oregon!

November 26, Newport Oregon!

But that’s not all! I have 2 parties for my critique groups this weekend… both gift exchanges to look forward to. Also, my friend Donna is coming down from the Seattle area to visit & shop. It will be a full week… after which I intend to hole up in my studio for a few days to recuperate! Then it will be time for the kids to come home from college and life will really get interesting! It was great to have them home for Thanksgiving…. but so busy. It seemed so quiet when they left. Kind of in a good way! Also I’m looking forward to a visit from my cousin Lucy & her husband Drew from Salt Lake City!

I’m off to enjoy one more morning of glorious sunshine!

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