It has been a week since I posted, and so much is going on, I barely know what to do first. Priorities are difficult at times like this. I have a couple of things coming up that I need to get ready for:

1. Open Studios of Beavercreek, October 8, 9, & 10, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. I will be number 9 on the map. I hope you can join me, as I’m getting lots of fun things together…. New work, prints, cards, treats… I’m even getting the ceiling in the studio painting (by hook or by crook if I have to stay up til midnight to do it!) and track lights put up. (I hope!) I have to mail out & distribute cards, clean, and basically get it all together for this one. Check the website (link above)for a map to the studio.

2. Watercolor Society of Oregon’s Fall Transparent Exhibition, and our convention October 1, 2, & 3 in Salem. I will be presenting a “Mock Jury” for one session where participants look at artwork & act as jurors, then compare notes. Then 10 mins. after that session I will be moderating a panel discussion with a group of gallery representatives on “Choosing the Best Venue for your Art”.  It will be a jam-packed weekend… critiques, social hours, the awards banquet, and most of all, seeing friends from all over the state & their artwork.

3. I’m really trying to stir up some enthusiasm for my “Focus on Color” six week class that will start Wednesday, October 13. For readers of the blog & their friends, I’m offering the first class free… just mention this post! I’m trying to be as flexible as possible with this, as I know everyone is busy. You can sign up for just one session, or the whole series. Just leave me a comment when you sign up here on my Teachstreet listing!

4. I’m really working hard on getting a new website designed that will integrate with my blog & provide a more professional presentation. Many hours here at my desk are going into this. I’m hoping it won’t take all winter!

5. I still have things to plant in the garden: perrenials, bulbs and groundcovers. Plus, this weekend is the Fall Plant Sale sponsored by the Hardy Plant Society. Do you think I might be able to find more plants that I can’t live without? Will I be able to afford it? Should I just wait until next year, and spend my time gleaning starts from my Mom & my excellent gardening neighbor? Tune in later for updates in the continuing saga.

Two important things… I probably shouldn’t have left them till last:

"Gathering" 22"x22" Watercolor on Yupo Copyright Ruth Armitage 2010

I WON an award! I just got notice Wednesday that my painting “Gathering” was awarded the Swede Johnson Memorial Award in the Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Exhibition. Juror Judy Morris is someone that I respect and admire, which makes it even sweeter. The show runs through October 31, so if you are anywhere near Golden, CO… stop in!

And finally: I am preparing to do a blog post about different settings for my artwork. If you have a painting or a print of mine, you can help me out! Here is the deal: Send me a jpeg of my artwork hanging in your home, and I will send you a signed, limited edition print of the “Naughty Aunties”. Already have that one? You can choose one from my Etsy shop! By submitting your image, you agree to allow me to use it for blogging and marketing purposes. If I get lots of them, I may even choose a Grand Prize Winner!

I hope you have a great weekend!

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