Artist Ruth / Art Is Truth
Wednesday Watercolor Re-Cap
I am teaching a new drop-in Weekly Watercolor class at Oregon Society of Artists in Southwest Portland. Each session is only $20, and the class runs Wednesday mornings from 9:30 - 12:30. You need to become a member of OSA to participate. Please sign in at the table...
Art is About Sharing – Open Studios of Beavercreek
"What an artist is trying to do for people is bring them closer to something, because of course art is about sharing. You wouldn't be an artist unless you wanted to share an experience, a thought." ~David Hockney Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending a...
The Day Has Come
My new class at Oregon Society of Artists has been keeping me hopping! The first day (Sept. 3) I also juried their monthly exhibit. It is always an honor to be asked to jury a show. I take the responsibility seriously and always feel for the artists whose work is...
Watercolor West, an International Juried Exhibition
Yesterday I spent time in the studio preparing my painting, 'Vessel,' for the Watercolor West's 46th International Transparent Watercolor Exhibition. You may remember this painting from the Watercolor Society of Oregon's Fall exhibition in Bandon, Oregon, or the...
Coming Through the Rye
I wrote a bit about my painting process for this work in my post: where you can see a video of part of my process, but I think the painting deserves its own post. I've entered this work in the National Watercolor Society's Annual...
Oregon Society of Artists Demonstration and Classes
Mark your calendar for a couple of great opportunities to learn more about painting in water media. I will be the featured demonstrator at Oregon Society of Artists on First Thursday, September 4. They are located up the hill from the MAC Club: 2185 SW Park Place,...
Art in the Garden
Summer is a beautiful time to spend in the garden... I did just that yesterday & painted plein air with a friend. We are planning to participate in this fun event... and I hope you can join us! Dinner, wine, the atmosphere, the artists and live music promise to...
Blog Hop!
My good friend and neighbor, Blenda Tyvoll, invited me to join her in an artistic Blog Hop. The idea is that each artist who participates answers some questions about their art, then invites three more artists to join. It is a great way to get to know new artists...
Summer Camp Out
Summer always reminds me of camping out. The painting above was inspired by memories of 'camping' in the harvested fields of my parents' farm. I wanted to imply the night, without everything being extremely dark. This piece began with watercolor and incorporates...
No Sign of Rain – Oil on Panel
Happy Independence Day! Here in Oregon we are lucky to have a day with No Sign of Rain to celebrate! In farming, the weather can make or break you, especially during harvest season. I began this with the idea of a clear day, combined with harvest tones from the...
Artifact – Abstract Oil on Panel
The past two weeks have been the perfect summer weather, in my humble opinion! Cool mornings, gently warm afternoons and a couple of nice, drenching rainstorms for the garden. Then yesterday, the big heat turned on. Thankfully today is more temperate! I love the...
Gelli Print Collage – Autumn Activity
This painting began with collaging shapes printed with my Gelli-Plate onto paper, then adding more acrylic paint on top. I used some Golden High Flow Acrylic to add line near the end of the painting process. My idea was to express some of the fevered pitch of activity...
41st Annual Rocky Mountain National Watermedia
One of the best ways to enjoy good news is to share it with a friend... This week I learned that my painting, "Learning to Fly", was accepted by juror Linda Doll to the 41st Annual Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Exhibition in Golden, Colorado. This marks the...
Growth – Abstract Watercolor
Before the Artist's Reception at Riversea Gallery, I took a one week workshop with Master Artist, Katherine Chang Liu in Ventura, California. I have been studying with Katherine on and off since the 1990's. She has seen my work evolve from still life, through...
Smoke Signals
It has been a very busy month.... too busy to record all that has happened here on the blog. I will try to split this up between a few different posts, in reverse chronological order. This past weekend, I traveled to Eugene for meetings for the Watercolor Society of...
Down on the Farm at Riversea Gallery
Last Thursday was the day to deliver my work to Riversea Gallery! My show, 'Down on the Farm' will run from June 14 through July 12, 2014. Please plan to attend the artist's reception and demonstration, Sunday June 22 at 1 pm. 1160 Commercial Street, Astoria...
Gelli-Plate Printing – Monoprinting Class with Ruth Armitage
I've started getting organized for my Gelli-Arts workshop, sponsored by the Keizer Art Association. If you've never heard of Gelli-Printing, it is the latest rage in Mixed Media. This class is perfect for the creative person who doesn't necessarily have a lot of...
Slip and Slide
I always feel like this time of year spins way too fast! Our favorite summer activity as kids was the slip & slide... and that inspired this painting. I used some of the monotypes I made using the gelli-plate on this, and also printed directly onto the painting. I...
Sitka Scholarships Available
Here is a new image in my "Down on the Farm" Series. I'm really enjoying using the Oil & Cold Wax to explore this subject. This painting was inspired by memories of late nights in the fields during harvest season. There was something more stimulating about...