by Ruth | Mar 12, 2009 | Blog Art is Truth, blogging, Fun with Art
Well, it has been a roller-coaster here… literally up one moment & down the next. Where to catch up? How to begin? I have finally, finally restored my blog! Yay! My host’s server crashed last week, and all data was lost. Luckily I had recently saved...
by Ruth | Feb 17, 2009 | Art Collectors, Blog Art is Truth, Fun with Art, My Work on Display, Recently Viewed Art, Uncategorized
I love art collectors. This is, of course, an understatement. But I don’t see it as a self-serving relationship, rather one of shared passions. It struck me recently that many art blogs focus on the art, rather than the connection with the art collector. So:...
by Ruth | Feb 3, 2009 | Blog Art is Truth, Books I'm Reading, Fun with Art, My Work on Display, Recently Viewed Art, Uncategorized
One would think that I wouldn’t have had any trouble staying in a positive frame of mind today. The sun was out, and it felt positively spring-like! My crocus popped their heads up this morning on the east side of the house. Such a wonderful harbinger of the...
by Ruth | Jan 29, 2009 | Blog Art is Truth, creative process, Fun with Art, My Work on Display, Uncategorized
Margaret Godfrey, a watercolorist from the Eugene area, has taken me up on the offer of an interview. You can see my questions to her, and her answers, on her blog MSGodfreyArt. I find it interesting to hear what let people to pursue art, and find out more about the...
by Ruth | Jan 15, 2009 | Art Classes, Blog Art is Truth, creative process, Fun with Art
A Bird does not sing because it has an answer — it sings because it has a song. — Proverb I spent the afternoon in my studio, puttering, trying to find my song. I’ve been quiet artistically for so long, I can’t quite remember where I left it. I...
by Ruth | Jan 9, 2009 | Blog Art is Truth, creative process, Fun with Art, My Work on Display, Uncategorized
Whew! The holidays really threw me for a spin as far as art goes…. Book Club, Critiques, family gatherings, Husband’s birthday, decorating, socializing… I think I’m going to become a hermit! (not) I am ready to get back into the studio though,...