by Ruth | Oct 4, 2017 | abstract art, Blog Art is Truth, creative process, Fun with Art
They say Change is inevitable but Growth is Intentional. I have a few new pieces for Portland Open Studios, getting them framed up this week! Please plan to visit me October 14-15 or 21-22, 2017 from 10-5. My studio is #7 on the tour in Community 1. There are several...
by Ruth | Sep 28, 2017 | abstract art, Blog Art is Truth, Fun with Art, My Work on Display
This weekend I’m participating as a guest of the Local14 Art Show! Tonight is the gala 50th Anniversary Opening reception, from 6-9 pm. $10 admission gets you a great night out with catering by Elephant’s Deliand first access to the bounty of wonderful art...
by Ruth | Sep 20, 2017 | abstract art, Art Classes, Blog Art is Truth, Fun with Art
Current Distractions for this Artist: These necessary tasks are distractions from the real work of making art. They use different sides of the brain, and can become difficult to manage. Getting work ready for upcoming shows and promoting them: Local 14, September 28...
by Ruth | Aug 8, 2017 | abstract art, Blog Art is Truth, creative process, Fun with Art, My Work on Display
I’m proud to share that I’m one of six artists from Portland Open Studios chosen to participate in this year’s PDX-CSA. The concept is similar to buying shares in an organic CSA farm, but for art! Just as you choose a farm because you like what crops...
by Ruth | Jul 12, 2017 | abstract art, Artwork online, Blog Art is Truth, Fun with Art
In my fantasy world owning contemporary fine art would be commonplace. The public would obsess about artists the way they follow the careers of musicians, movie stars and athletes. The press would report on local artists, young and old, celebrating milestones like...
by Ruth | Jun 29, 2017 | abstract art, Art Classes, Blog Art is Truth, creative process, down on the farm, Fun with Art, Paintings
My new painting, Breath of Spring, began as an experiment with line in my workshop at Sitka Center for Art and Ecology. One can’t help being influenced by the landscape there. However, in keeping with my series, this work was inspired by memories of the...