Yellowstone Mist

Yellowstone Mist

Available at RiverSea Gallery Another painting of the same falls from my trip to Yellowstone with my son. I enjoy working in a series, and this painting has been calling to me recently. You can see the first version here, and the second became Water Witch. This time I...


This is the first in a series of images I’m working on. My son & I took a trip to Yellowstone National Park several years ago, just the two of us. He is a geology major, and it was wonderful to see his eyes light up when watching the geysers, but I enjoyed...


Available at Riversea Gallery Several years ago we took a trip on the Lower Salmon River with Orange Torpedo Trips. The drive through Eastern Washington included some of the most beautiful landscapes of rolling wheat fields. I have enjoyed painting them...
Artist to Artist

Artist to Artist

Available at RiverSea Gallery It’s been over a month since I posted, and I have been busy in the studio! Often times I like to let new work stew for a bit before I decide whether I like it or not. My perception sometimes changes and I like a new piece...