Last Saturday was our son’s moving day – his first apartment. Of course it was the only day for pouring rain too! When we finally had everything loaded in the pick-up and trailer and tied down, there wasn’t room for me! I had to let him go with his father & best friend to get moved in.  I would have felt so much better if I could have been there to grocery shop with him and make sure everything got unpacked in an orderly way.

Anyway, it felt good to get everything cleaned up. Our household has been in a state of transition for over a month… stacking up things to go with our son or daughter for their places, sorting through closets and throwing out stuff that doesn’t fit or has been mis-filed, boxes, dirt, clutter. I hauled three bags of garbage and recycling out of  his room alone. With his desk and dresser gone his room seems so big! And it is nice to finally have my studio back! Of course it was so busy I forgot to get any pictures.

Last night I finished reading The Gathering by Anne Enright.  The writing is simply beautiful and haunting. There is a reason that this book won the Booker Prize. That said, it is disturbing and depressing. I didn’t sleep well. I woke in the wee hours with a fully formed idea for art-making rolling around my head. Trying to go back to sleep just gave me more visual details and got me more interested. I finally got up, went into the studio and sketched out the ideas.

Unfortunately, the idea wasn’t for a painting, but was for the 100 Artists show at Mary Lou Zeek Gallery coming up in February. Yes, I’m already thinking about it! This year’s show will benefit the local Foodshare, and the starting point will be a tin can! I started thinking about the theme ‘nourish and sustain’ yesterday, and I guess I had more thinking to do in the middle of the night! Does this ever happen to you? Even after I wrote things down, I still had more good ideas rolling around my head. Of course, they are gone this morning!

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