"Traveler, there are no paths. Paths are made by walking."
I need to keep moving here. Literally. We’ve sold our home and I’m packing up the studio. We have a new place picked out in Vancouver, WA and hope to be moved in in early July.
It has been quite a journey packing the studio. I’ve found work that I want to dispose of from years back – things I did in workshops or for demonstrations. A friend who helped me pack this weekend is a guitarist.
He said he envied me being able to look back at where I was years ago in my development. It’s much harder to do that with music.
Looking back has also let me see how many influences I’ve had in my art life. Different teachers, travel, books…. it all combines to make me who I am as an artist. Of course i didn’t know that – there wasn’t a set path to follow. I forged my own path by walking!
"When you start working, everybody is in your studio- the past, your friends, enemies, the art world, and above all, your own ideas- all are there. But as you continue painting, they start leaving, one by one, and you are left completely alone. Then, if you are lucky, even you leave."
Four more things that I’m squeezing in during the move:
A new grandbaby! Our son & daughter in law have a new little boy – I can’t wait to meet him! I know that we’ll love teaching him all we can and watching him grow. I can’t wait to meet him! More details soon 🙂
A workshop coming up at Sitka Center for the Arts, June 14 – 18. See the details below.
A Zoom appearance for La Romita Art School – a future painting trip planned for 2022! Europe is opening up for travelers from the US this summer. Tune in to meet some of the people behind the scenes:
Join us for an aperitivio (appetizer) Meet the Teachers event. When: May 26, 2021 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
And: Wedding planning! Our daughter is recently engaged and we’re getting ready to celebrate.
Whew! That’s a lot. I’m so glad I have finished the commission for my clients. Here’s a photo of the pieces installed in their beautiful home. There was no path to follow – I just had to forge ahead.

New Workshop! Tide Lines - Cold Wax and Oil with Collage

"Limpet" Cold Wax and Oil on Panel with Found Objects

"Limpet" Cold Wax and Oil on Panel with Found Objects
June 14 - 17 Hybrid Model - both in person at Sitka Center for Art & Ecology, Otis, Oregon AND Online. Read details at Registration link, below.
Tides rise and fall, leaving behind evidence of where the water has been. Join me to explore combining abstracted cold wax painting with assemblage and collage to create paintings that express the change and impermanence of the tides. You will work on several small panels using flotsam and found objects along with oil paint and cold wax. Learn how this slow-drying medium creates texture and allows you to adhere small, light objects to the painting surface. Class topics include content, composition, contrast, mark-making, color and texture. You will leave with at least four completed works and several others started.
Hi Ruth! Good luck with your move!
Thank you Ruth, and Congratulations for all your upcoming events!
I loved the quotes you used here about the art journey.
Thank you Cindy & Peggy!
Welcome to Clark County WA. Tis a great place to live
Thanks Margaret!