Artist Ruth / Art Is Truth
Salt Lake City Workshop re-cap
I just returned from Salt Lake City to the good news that "Vessel" was accepted to the Watercolor Society of Oregon's Fall Transparent Watercolor exhibition in Bandon. I will be excited to see the show, which features 80 of the best examples of watercolor from across...
Slip and Slide
I've just returned from a few days away, from visiting my home territory, listening to country music, visiting with family and friends. Summer is always a season of Slip & Slide... the thrills of moving fast, green grass, harvested fields, wind in your...
Back to School Nostalgia
The season is here for back to school preparations: parents, kids, teens and teachers are gathering school supplies, shopping for school clothes, decorating bulletin boards, dreaming up dorm room layouts, and getting organized to prepare for the first day of classes....
Fog and Flood Revisited
There is always a sort of panic when it is time for corralling new work to take to a gallery. Until everything is framed, it is fair game for revision, and often the test of time reveals weaknesses in a work. "Fog and Flood" is a painting that I began way back in...
Submerged – Fine Tuning an Abstract Painting
Here is another painting that will be on its way to Riversea Gallery tomorrow. I find it more difficult to get as many color variations in the smaller paintings, but I enjoyed the transparent layers and veils of colors. The river that flows through the farm is small,...
Going to Town
As I paint this series, all kinds of memories of growing up come back to me. When I was little, the biggest event of the week was 'going to town.' On Sunday mornings, we would head seven miles down the road to the thriving metropolis of Albany, Oregon to go to church....
Here is another example of a painting going through its final transformations. My friend, Sue Martin, wrote on her blog this week about a painting's "birthing pains" and how some paintings seem to slip easily into the world, and others take more hours of labor and...
One of the things I love about blogging is how it records the creative process. Often times a painting goes through either radical or subtle changes before it feels complete. Sometimes a change occurs even after I feel the painting is complete. This can be because I...
Springfield Here I Come…
“Sometimes I arrive just when God's ready to have somone click the shutter.” - Ansel Adams The universe has its own quirky sense of timing. You can never predict how things will work out, but they usually do! A while back, I sent information to the Emerald Art Center...
Learning to Fly
I've been experimenting with so many different media lately: Oil, cold wax, acrylic, mixed drawing media.... that I decided to do a few paintings that are transparent watercolor only. One of the benefits of painting this way is that it allows me to layer thin veils of...
Artists on Vacation
I've been on a 'Stay-cation' for the past week, enjoying the pleasures of home with some special friends. First, I entertained my cooking group for dinner. I scheduled this dinner as a warm-up for hosting house guests. When the house is clean, invite more people! My...
Then and Now, A Chronicle of Influence, Lake Oswego Show
I'm honored to be included in Lake Oswego's Chronicle Exhibit this year. As a new twist to culminate the Festival's 50th Anniversary, Chronicle Artists were asked to invite another artist who has influenced the development of their art. I would say that most of the...
Rental Sales Gallery at the Portland Art Museum
I am thrilled to be one of the eight new artists accepted to exhibit in the Portland Art Museum's Rental Sales Gallery this year! Please join me for the opening reception: Friday June 21, 2013, 5-8 p.m. at the Rental Sales Gallery: 1237 SW 10th Ave. at...
Making a Difference – Top 5 Reasons to Donate Art to an Auction
Artists are often asked to donate work for charitable causes, and there are many different opinions (here and here) on how and why we should or shouldn't. I have a policy of only donating art once or twice per year, and I try to vary the organizations that I support....
Dallas Trip, WFWS 2013
I returned on Sunday from a long weekend in Dallas, Texas for the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies’ 38th Annual Exhibition. I went as the delegate from Oregon, and I was thrilled to represent our organization for such a prestigious show.
Rainbow Connection
Welcome to the 5 year Anniversary post for Art is Truth I'm sorry if you've received this post twice... I made a mistake and pushed 'publish' before I was finished putting in all the information for the images. So here is the completed post! Click on the thumbnails...
15 Reasons to Quit Painting
I met with a group of artists last night, and as usual was stunned that some of them had not heard of Robert Genn and The Painter's Keys. If you are interested in art, his newsletters are always thought provoking. In a recent post, Genn talked about the art of...
Field and Stream
Another new painting in the "Down on the Farm" series. This painting began with two ideas: bluegrass (the crop) and bluegill... both were some of my favorite parts of summer, walking through the fields and fishing in the small creeks and ponds surrounding our home as...
Fields and Forests
A new painting in the series "Down on the Farm." This painting was inspired by the colors of spring on my parent's farm: Trillium, lambs, new grass, tulips, cool river, clouds and blue sky. I'm wondering what words you would use to describe it to someone who couldn't...
This is another plein air sketch from Boskey Dell Nursery last month. Our weather here has rapidly progressed to summer, and I'm missing the crispness of spring! Getting out and painting with friends is one of my favorite ways to spend a day. This quotation sums it up...