Artist Ruth / Art Is Truth

Harvest Light

Harvest Light

Here is a new painting I finished on Tuesday, just in time for a deadline. It is funny, I've known about the deadline for a whole year, but still waited until the very last minute to decide to pursue it, and to finish the work. It took some determination to power...

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Call for Entries

Call for Entries

I want to put out another call for entries to my online gallery of artists who read Art is Truth! Be sure to send in an image of your work. Read more about it here. Garden Companions will be on display for the month of May at West Linn Lutheran Church. The exhibit is...

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Sitka Invitational

Sitka Invitational

Next time I'm going through rejection depression, someone please remind me of this month! Yesterday I received an invitation to exhibit in November at the World Forestry Center in the Sitka Invitational. If...

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Connections – Getting Ready for Year 5 of Art is Truth

Connections – Getting Ready for Year 5 of Art is Truth

It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to, the feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures. -Vincent van Gogh As I did a couple of years ago, I'd like to celebrate...

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On Turning Ten The whole idea of it makes me feel like I’m coming down with something, something worse than any stomach ache or the headaches I get from reading in bad light– a kind of measles of the spirit, a mumps of the psyche, a disfiguring chicken pox of the...

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Abstract Painting in Process

Abstract Painting in Process

By Popular Demand: In the comments of a recent post I had a request for showing how one of my abstract paintings develops, from conception through completion. It is a bit difficult for me to remember to stop and take photos along the way, but here is my best effort....

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River Bottom

River Bottom

Yesterday was a good day to work in the garden, but also a good day for painting. I had started this painting by smearing color left over from painting centerpieces for the Watercolor Society of Oregon Convention on a full sheet of watercolor paper. Yesterday, I...

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Things that Are vs. Miracles

Things that Are vs. Miracles

Reading blogs this morning, I came across this question on Grace Carol Bomer's blog: "Are you a person that prefers to believe in things that always make sense/things that you can see? Or are you a person that prefers to believe in miracles/take things on faith? There...

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Fog and Flood

Fog and Flood

Winter in Oregon is most often mild, but dreary, with rain, fog and floods making up our typical weather. Those who live here often need a break from all the grey by about February or March. This painting explores some of the subtle colors of the winter fields. Layers...

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Clackamas County Arts Alliance Exhibit

Clackamas County Arts Alliance Exhibit

I'm currently preparing some of my work for exhibit through the Clackamas County Arts Alliance program. You can view seven of my paintings at the Development Services Building of Clackamas County, March 14 - June 13, 2013, during regular business hours. My work will...

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Watercolor Society of Oregon Spring Convention 2013

Watercolor Society of Oregon Spring Convention 2013

I'm thrilled that juror Mary Ann Beckwith has selected my painting "Meanderings" for WSO's Spring Exhibition in Albany, Oregon. I grew up going to school in Albany, and I'm looking forward to an exhibit in my hometown. Each spring and fall, the Watercolor Society of...

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I've been working on this painting since December, mostly using my memory of the Oregon Coast as inspiration. Painting a realistic subject from memory is fraught with problems of perspective, lighting and more, but it does allow for wonderful color moments and mood....

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Orchard Walk

Orchard Walk

I don't think I've posted this painting before. I finished it before Christmas, and never got around to posting it, as far as I can tell! It evolved over a long period of time. It is a pleasure to work so large and acrylic offered the chance for multiple revisions....

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August Workshop in Salt Lake City

August Workshop in Salt Lake City

  The latest in my new series, "Down on the Farm." I've used some of the techniques I learned in Judy Wise's online Cold Wax class, including layering thin veils of color (my favorite) texturing, squeegee, and steel wool. I find it interesting how each medium...

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Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 38th Annual

Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 38th Annual

Spring is in the air! Things are looking up around here. I've been working in the garden and in the studio, but don't have anything that feels ready to show. I was thrilled to find out that my work was accepted for the 38th Annual Western Federation of Watercolor...

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Workshop Report

Workshop Report

It can't be a week already since my workshop on color started! Last week's class included wonderful students from Roseburg, Corvallis, Salem, Lake Oswego & West Linn! Since then, I've been down with a stomach bug, not able to do much but enjoy browsing the...

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Trying something New

Trying something New

"The stupid believe that to be truthful is easy; only the artist, the great artist, knows how difficult it is." - Willa Cather I have been working on some new oil paintings, but they are not quite ready for public consumption. This morning, I tried something new: I...

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I am totally in the present, watching the snow fall, listening to the chickens rustle through the dry leaves. I have forgotten how to paint, but it doesn't matter. I can listen to Billy Collins recite poetry on YouTube. Note to self: Next year, make more time for art...

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2012’s Top Ten Blog Posts

2012’s Top Ten Blog Posts

  Painting classes are a great place to make connections. I always enjoy reading other artists' blogs though, and here are some favorites from 2012. Click on the photo above for more class information. Only two spots left in my January Workshop. Ten favorite...

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2012 Year in Review

2012 Year in Review

As 2012 winds down to a close, I wanted to take some time to wish everyone a warm and peaceful Christmas season. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings 🙂 I often write a family Christmas letter, filled with a summary of family news, and it never really...

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