Artist Ruth / Art Is Truth

Travelers and Friends – Call for Entries

Travelers and Friends – Call for Entries

"We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best that we find in our travels is an honest friend." - Robert Louis Stevenson I've just returned from the 40th Exhibition of the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies in Lubbock, Texas. It was an...

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Mixing Contemporary Art in Traditional Rooms

Mixing Contemporary Art in Traditional Rooms

Shake it Up!   You might be interested in how artists and designers combine Contemporary Art with Traditional Furnishings. No one wants their home to look like an advertisement for a furniture store. You want your rooms to exude personality, class & style,...

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5 Hints for Artists and Gardeners

5 Hints for Artists and Gardeners

Just like walking through a beautiful, mature garden, art viewers often see the end result when a finished work of art is presented. It is difficult to imagine the sweat, persistence, concentration and hard-won time that went into creating that painting, just like one does not always consider the battle with weeds, elements and failure that led to the creation of a beautiful garden. Persistence in the face of frustration is often the key in both art and gardening!

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7 Compliments Guaranteed to Make Any Artist Swoon

7 Compliments Guaranteed to Make Any Artist Swoon

Why is this such a wonderful compliment for an artist? Well, we artists are always trying to create something new and original. We want our work to communicate a unique message and to stand out, and stand alone.

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  Spring has sprung here in Oregon. We have new lambs on the farm, a new puppy in the house and the flowers are bursting out all over! It has been a crazy couple of weeks with...

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Socrates Vs. Julia Child

Socrates Vs. Julia Child

"In every one of us there are two ruling and directing principles, whose guidance we follow wherever they may lead; the one being an innate desire of pleasure; the other, an acquired judgment which aspires after excellence."  (Socrates) Don Gray's Studio Last week I...

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Abstract Painting Evolution – Amber Waves

Abstract Painting Evolution – Amber Waves

This past week when I was preparing to ship work to Arizona for my next workshop, I took a good hard look at an abstract painting from one of my classes: Amber Waves. Art instructors often give the impression that they know what they're doing when the paint a demo....

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Rocklin Workshop Re-Cap

Rocklin Workshop Re-Cap

I wanted to take time here to formally thank Connie Rodriguez for hosting my workshop last month in Rocklin, CA. She did a fantastic job of gathering eager and enthusiastic students from all over the area to participate. Here is a re-cap of the workshop. We had 15...

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Blink & You’ll Miss It- A Pop Up Art Gallery

Blink & You’ll Miss It- A Pop Up Art Gallery

Time flies when you're having fun! Don't miss these great shows coming for February, 2015. I'm pleased to be included with these great abstract painters: Jean Schwalbe, Earl Hamilton, Tommer Gonser and Ruth Armitage. Join us! I'm sorry I won't be able to attend the...

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Lake Oswego Reads: 2015

Lake Oswego Reads: 2015

I leave this afternoon for my class in Rocklin, CA. I'm all packed and ready, just waiting for my ride to the airport, so I decided to sit down and write a post about another upcoming show I'm involved in: Lake Oswego Reads. I've participated in this show before and...

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New Oil & Wax Abstract “Necessary Current”

New Oil & Wax Abstract “Necessary Current”

Before Christmas I started a new large Oil & Wax abstract and posted my beginning. I continued to take photos of the painting as it progressed. I finally think it is finished today! You can see the various stages of the creative process below. I began with a high...

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A Beginning – Abstract Painting

A Beginning – Abstract Painting

Happy New Year! The mad dash of the Holiday season is over and today is a time for recalling some of the successes of 2014 and looking forward to 2015. My posting here has been as thin as my new paintings, though I did finish a gift for my son in time for Christmas...

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Free Printable Christmas Card

Free Printable Christmas Card

Here is a gift just for you…. If you would like to use my card, I will send new or current newsletter subscribers a free, printable pdf! Simply email me with the subject “Christmas.” Be sure to state in your message whether you are a current or new subscriber. You can print them on your home computer, or have them printed on card stock at your own local printer. Please, only personal use, no re-sales!

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Crossover – Abstract Oil and Wax Painting

Crossover – Abstract Oil and Wax Painting

I used a new (to me) color by Williamsburg oils called Montserrat Orange for the warm terra-cotta undertones. It is a lovely, rather coral tinged orange that I fell in love with as soon as I saw the tube! As a painter, I’m always interested in knowing what each brand’s colors are made with.

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New Sacramento Workshop Announcement

New Sacramento Workshop Announcement

Workshop announcement – January 2015 – Sacramento area painting workshop with Ruth Armitage, NWS. Three days, focusing on the ABC’s of Abstraction.

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Grainary – GelliPrint Collage and Acrylic

Grainary – GelliPrint Collage and Acrylic

This painting has been in process for a while, and I finally have had time to finish it this week. I began by using GelliPrint collage pieces printed with the Gelli-Plate.  I love the textural and color effects that the printing process achieves. In this case, I used...

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Turnover – Abstract Watercolor

Turnover – Abstract Watercolor

I often begin my abstract painting process with the possible title for the painting. The painting seen here was a demonstration for a class I taught…

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Harvest Patterns and a Giveaway

Harvest Patterns and a Giveaway

Thanks to all who visited me during my open studios of Beavercreek. It was my most successful event ever, thanks to you! Here is the beginning of my demonstration for my class at Oregon Society of Artists last week. I worked more on it here in my studio and feel like...

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Sitka Center for Art & Ecology

Sitka Center for Art & Ecology

I can't believe I haven't made time to blog about my class at the Sitka Center in Otis, Oregon. It was a wonderful time of creativity, for myself and for my class. I had 10 eager, hard-working, adventurous students who produced some excellent work in the three days....

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