Artist Ruth / Art Is Truth

Pulse and Other Weekend Events

Pulse and Other Weekend Events

I just published my monthly newsletter. I love how good the computer can make everything look 🙂 My chaotic schedule is magically transformed into easily digested segments and promo-bits 🙂 Check out a preview HERE if you haven't already received it! You may want to...

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New Abstract in Cold Wax & Oil

New Abstract in Cold Wax & Oil

I have not posted artwork recently, but I have been painting! This painting will be part of my June exhibit at Riversea Gallery "Down on the Farm." Titling this painting Winds of Change is very appropriate, since it went through so many changes in the course of...

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Keizer Art Association Presents:

Keizer Art Association Presents:

When I first saw the Gelli Plate online, I thought... this is going to be good 🙂 I bought it, and it IS good! When I taught the Brownsville Art Association, my students had so much fun with this technique that I wished we'd had more time to explore the possibilities....

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Free Art Consultation

Free Art Consultation

This week I spent some time helping a neighbor who was trying to figure out where to hang a painting. She is considering adding one of my paintings to her home, and was trying to visualize how it would fit in the room. For those of you considering an art purchase, one...

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Green is the color of….

Green is the color of….

I intended to post this on St. Patrick's Day, but I was interrupted and didn't get a chance to finish it until now! Here are my husband & I celebrating St. Patrick's Day and my Sister & Bro. in Law's Anniversary at a local pub 🙂 We had a ball, especially...

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10 Essentials for Successful Art Demos

10 Essentials for Successful Art Demos

This week I have been working on some new pieces for my show at RiverSea Gallery, scheduled for June. I am planning to keep some of these under wraps for a while to ensure that they are fresh and to entice you to see the show in person! I'm also working on some new...

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Dark Water

Dark Water

I wanted to finish this painting before my last class, but I hadn't gotten as much feedback on it as I wanted. I missed one critique meeting because of teaching and the other was cancelled because of snow. Thank goodness for the internet! My friend Margaret gave me...

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Crazy-Quilt Farmland

Crazy-Quilt Farmland

Brownsville Art Association Presents: Mixed Media with Ruth Armitage March 28 & 29, 2014 Sign up & More information here! This painting began as a demonstration for my workshop two weeks ago. I finally feel like I finished it yesterday, after battling a virus...

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This Valentine's Day, I decided to do something special for subscribers to my newsletter. I offered the first 15 folks who replied a custom hand-made Valentine for their sweetheart. Surprisingly only about 8 subscribers took me up on it! I was on a roll, so I made a...

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Sitka Workshops Registration

Sitka Workshops Registration

After a long afternoon in the studio with nothing to show for it, I was happy to sit down at the computer and find an email from the Sitka Center for Art & Ecology announcing the 2014 workshop catalog and registration. If you've never been to the Sitka Center,...

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Abstract Painting – Hot Wind – Three Painting Ideas

Abstract Painting – Hot Wind – Three Painting Ideas

Looking at this on the computer made me realize that I like it, despite the criticism I received about a certain area of the painting. Seeing an image smaller on the screen really helps me see the whole at once. In my blog surfing this morning, I particularly enjoyed...

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Night Walk

Night Walk

This painting began as my demonstration for the Buffalo Grass Art Society almost a week ago. My goal was to paint the experience I had as a young adult, walking on the farm in the dark, without a flashlight. As I painted, my mind went back and forth between the...

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Tracking Progress

Tracking Progress

This new year, I have set more specific goals than I have in the past for my art business. I owe the accomplishment to Alyson Stanfield, author and coach at ArtBizBlog. I am happy to report that I have achieved my income goal for January. One of the challenges will be...

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Avoiding Cliche in Art

Avoiding Cliche in Art

When an artist takes on the job of painting something that has been portrayed over and over in a trite or hackneyed way, it is imperative that the painting qualify as an original voice. This painting presented a challenge because of its subject matter. My aim was to...

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Socratic Art Evaluation

Socratic Art Evaluation

Happy New Year! Our cold foggy weather lately has inspired a new painting that finally gelled for me on New Year's Eve. My final painting of 2013. There is another one that I photographed, but it may not be finished. I'm preparing my goals for 2014, and also getting...

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I was remarking to a friend today that even though I am busier than ever, the holidays seem less rushed this year. Perhaps this is because I am making time to paint, and that makes me feel calmer. This painting began in October in my Spark Session workshop. I had a...

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2014 Calendar and WFWS Acceptance

2014 Calendar and WFWS Acceptance

It is busy here with holiday preparations, so I will keep this short & to the point! In case you missed my last post, I took some of my figurative work to the Clackamas County Public Services Building in Oregon City yesterday. The address and hours are: December...

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