Artist Ruth / Art Is Truth

Bring Spring Inside with an Abstracted Floral

Bring Spring Inside with an Abstracted Floral

Yesterday was "Groundhog Day" in the United States, and those who are enduring a long harsh winter may be wanting to get a jump on Spring. There's not a finer way to do that than to experiment with an Abstracted Floral! My painting above "Wild Daffodil" was inspired...

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Are You Saying All New Things?

Are You Saying All New Things?

When I teach repeat students, I'm often asked if I'm saying all new things from previous workshops. Often I'm repeating something that I've said earlier, but the student did not internalize the information. It's always surprising how we don't hear advice until we are...

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Avoiding Ungapatchka in Your Artwork

Avoiding Ungapatchka in Your Artwork

ungapatchka: Yiddish word to describe something ridiculously overdecorated, excessively ornamented or kitsch. This summer I learned a new word from one of my students. Ungapatchka caught my ear for two reasons: firstly, it is so much fun to say, and secondly, the word...

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Procrastinators Unite and a New Strange Creature

Procrastinators Unite and a New Strange Creature

As procrastinators go, I would rate my ability to ‘do it later’ as above average. That doesn’t mean that I don’t aspire to become a better procrastinator. This trait is vital to my success as an artist. You may be wondering: ‘Is she serious?!’ Yes! Let me explain....

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Solstice Giveaway

Solstice Giveaway

Happy Solstice! Thank you for being a loyal visitor to my site. I've been reviewing how my blog and website have grown since I began in 2007. This month my site had almost 80,000 visitors. That's a far cry from my humble beginning when I had a modest 371 visitors - my...

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The Seduction of Praise

The Seduction of Praise

Praise and success are a tricky thing for the artist. While everyone wants to be successful and praise is seductive, the nature of art is so subjective that there are many definitions of success

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Flower Power

Flower Power

When we were kids in the 70’s, Flower Power was all the rage. Even though we grew up in a farmhouse from the 1800’s, my mom made one of our bedrooms into a brilliant, day-glo, funky room. The painting is a bit subdued compared to the riot of color that our bedroom contained.

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Painting in Paradise ReCap

Painting in Paradise ReCap

Painting in Paradise was a blast! I really enjoyed getting to know each of the participants. Some were return students, while others were first-timers. Everyone did fantastic work. I think we all enjoyed the two days spent on location. Our first day out of the studio we spent in old Lahaina town. The morning was spent beneath the enormous banyan…

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Seasons and Change – New Work for Portland Open Studios

Seasons and Change – New Work for Portland Open Studios

They say Change is inevitable but Growth is Intentional. I have a few new pieces for Portland Open Studios, getting them framed up this week! Please plan to visit me October 14-15 or 21-22, 2017 from 10-5. My studio is #7 on the tour in Community 1. There are several...

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Don’t Miss This Weekend’s Local 14 Art Show

Don’t Miss This Weekend’s Local 14 Art Show

This weekend I'm participating as a guest of the Local14 Art Show! Tonight is the gala 50th Anniversary Opening reception, from 6-9 pm. $10 admission gets you a great night out with catering by Elephant's Deliand first access to the bounty of wonderful art presented....

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The Artist’s Task – Distractions

The Artist’s Task – Distractions

Current Distractions for this Artist: These necessary tasks are distractions from the real work of making art. They use different sides of the brain, and can become difficult to manage. Getting work ready for upcoming shows and promoting them: Local 14, September 28 -...

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Want to Paint on Maui with me?

Want to Paint on Maui with me?

Paint on Maui in November Join me for a non-traditional, watercolor workshop on Maui this fall.  This November workshop has been full for months, but I've just had a cancellation! This workshop will be a great way to remember your trip. You'll be making memories and...

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Collecting Objects and Memories

Collecting Objects and Memories

"Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar." -Percy Bysshe Shelley Objects and Their Influence on my Work I have been thinking of all the flood victims in Texas this week. I am trying to...

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Central Hearth – Abstract Oil and Wax Artwork

Central Hearth – Abstract Oil and Wax Artwork

One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever came to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on their way. -Vincent VanGogh A new image in Oil & Wax... this one was inspired by the old oil heater that we used...

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PDX-CSA: Community Supported Art

PDX-CSA: Community Supported Art

I'm proud to share that I'm one of six artists from Portland Open Studios chosen to participate in this year's PDX-CSA. The concept is similar to buying shares in an organic CSA farm, but for art! Just as you choose a farm because you like what crops they grow, give...

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A Thousand Things

A Thousand Things

Summer seems to hold a thousand things. Vacations, family, visitors from out-of-town, gardening, art shows, memories, smells, food, beach trips, river trips, concerts, each day is crammed full!  If you're not careful, there is no time left for painting. Thank goodness...

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Owning Contemporary Fine Art – Cool and Sophisticated

Owning Contemporary Fine Art – Cool and Sophisticated

In my fantasy world owning contemporary fine art would be commonplace. The public would obsess about artists the way they follow the careers of musicians, movie stars and athletes. The press would report on local artists, young and old, celebrating milestones like...

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Breath of Spring: New Work and a Drawing Exercise

Breath of Spring: New Work and a Drawing Exercise

My new painting, Breath of Spring, began as an experiment with line in my workshop at Sitka Center for Art and Ecology. One can't help being influenced by the landscape there. However, in keeping with my series, this work was inspired by memories of the landscape on...

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Art Isn’t Paint; It’s Love

Art Isn’t Paint; It’s Love

Teaching students what art IS often involves me teaching them what Art Isn't. One of the reasons I share my process through demonstrations is to make it clear that my decision making process is driven by the ideas behind the art. Students start to see that I'm not...

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