by Ruth | Nov 24, 2021 | abstract art, Art Classes, Art Collectors, Blog Art is Truth, creative process, Fun with Art, My Work on Display
Do you think art-work is play? I just finished teaching a 4 week workshop with Winslow Art Center. It amazed me how students mentioned that when they began to ‘play’ around with an idea, they were more successful. I’m always a bit annoyed when people...
by Ruth | Aug 24, 2021 | abstract art, Art Classes, Art Collectors, art workshops, Artwork online, Blog Art is Truth, Fun with Art
Being impulsive is often seen as a character flaw, but I see it as a good thing. “More errors arise from inhibited indecision than from impulsive behavior.” -Morris L. Ernst I just returned from an impulsive week-long trip to New Mexico with my college...
by Ruth | Aug 5, 2021 | abstract art, Art Classes, art workshops, Blog Art is Truth, creative process, Fun with Art, Paintings, vocabulary
Today’s word of the day was Tohubohu. It fits this house to a ‘T!’ Tohubohu (noun) means chaos, disorder and confusion. I’m still in the throes of unpacking – haven’t found the toaster, trying to figure out a new desk...
by Ruth | Jun 23, 2021 | abstract art, Art Classes, Blog Art is Truth, blogging, contest, creative process, Fun with Art, giveaway
Magical places are an important part of an artist’s inspiration. I built a tree house when I was a little girl. Well really my mom built it. Actually it wasn’t a tree ‘house’ – it was more of a tree ‘seat.’ It was a smooth...
by Ruth | Jan 31, 2021 | abstract art, Art Classes, Blog Art is Truth, contest, creative process, Fun with Art, giveaway, giveaway
If you get lost, what do you do? When we are kids we are taught to stand still and wait for someone to find you. Fairy tales and books like Alice in Wonderland teach kids that wandering around unaccompanied is fraught with danger. It’s really the opposite in artwork....
by Ruth | May 25, 2020 | Blog Art is Truth, creative process, Fun with Art, Guest Posts
Guest Post! June marks the 12th Anniversary of my blog: Art is Truth. Each year I try to do something to give back to the blog community and celebrate art and the connections it gives us. This year, I’ll be posting guest articles from readers each week. I hope...