Artist Ruth / Art Is Truth

In Praise of Impulsive Ideas

In Praise of Impulsive Ideas

Being impulsive is often seen as a character flaw, but I see it as a good thing. More errors arise from inhibited indecision than from impulsive behavior." -Morris L. Ernst I just returned from an impulsive week-long trip to New Mexico with my...

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Tohubohu and Art News

Tohubohu and Art News

Tohubohu is today’s word of the day. It fits this house to a ‘T!’ Tohubohu (noun) means chaos, disorder and confusion.

I’m still in the throes of unpacking

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Humble Brag Blog Celebration + Giveaway

Humble Brag Blog Celebration + Giveaway

This isn't really a humble brag - it's a proud brag - but not about me. Right now I'm really proud of the work students in my Roaring '20s have been doing, and I have to brag! I haven't been able to paint recently because of our upcoming move... so this is a good...

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Magical Places + Blog Anniversary Giveaway

Magical Places + Blog Anniversary Giveaway

Magical places are an important part of an artist's inspiration. I built a tree house when I was a little girl. Well really my mom built it. Actually it wasn't a tree 'house' - it was more of a tree 'seat.' It was a smooth board, probably 6"x12"x1" nailed over two...

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No Path: Influence, Ideas and New Vistas

No Path: Influence, Ideas and New Vistas

"Traveler, there are no paths. Paths are made by walking." I need to keep moving here. Literally. We've sold our home and I'm packing up the studio. We have a new place picked out in Vancouver, WA and hope to be moved in in early July. It has been quite a journey...

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A Change in Perspective

A Change in Perspective

I wonder how many people would prefer the horizontal instead of the vertical? I’d love to hear your perspective.

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Ideas Arrive with Silence: Conquering Distractions

Ideas Arrive with Silence: Conquering Distractions

Ideas arrive with silence oftentimes. My most recent epiphany came at the most inopportune moment. When I rolled over for the 5th time at 2 a.m.; I would have preferred to fall back asleep if given the choice. But instead, I ran down a thought detour and connected two...

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Taken for granted: Recognizing Women in the Arts

Taken for granted: Recognizing Women in the Arts

Unlike other art forms such as music, dance, and theatre, the visual arts are a gift that artists give to the community for free. People can walk into galleries without paying and experience original art.

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If You Get Lost – Experiment – Giveaway Contest & Demo

If You Get Lost – Experiment – Giveaway Contest & Demo

If you get lost, what do you do? When we are kids we learn to stand still and wait for someone to find us. It’s just the opposite in artwork. Those who keep going make progress.
I’m experimenting with a new paper – see my video demo and enter to win!

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Progressive Dinner Learning Journey

Progressive Dinner Learning Journey

Bluebird buffet - a progressive dinner learning opportunity Our local Western Bluebirds have been enjoying a progressive dinner lately. The gang of neighborhood bluebird fanciers has enjoyed watching them flock from house to house, feasting on dried mealworms. Once...

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Art is Not About Painting

Art is Not About Painting

Art is not about painting. That might sound weird, coming from a painter. But really, it’s about seeing. We artists synthesize visual elements and ideas.

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Do You Do This Too? Art vs. Decor

Do You Do This Too? Art vs. Decor

Cute Aggression and Art vs. Decor I don’t think it started when the mouse I rescued from our farm cat clamped on to the soft pad of my finger and didn’t let go - even as I shook my hand like it was a thermometer. But, true confession, sometimes I feel mildly violent...

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Roaring ’20s 2.0

Roaring ’20s 2.0

I'm so excited to be launching Roaring '20s 2.0 - the Winter/Spring session of my 6 month mentorship program. I bet you’ve wondered how I formed friendships with artists all over the country. One way was by taking workshops. One of the things I’ve always admired about...

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Comments from Pollyanna, Punch & Judy

Comments from Pollyanna, Punch & Judy

Even though I work hard to be objective, my inner critic fluctuates between Pollyanna and Punch & Judy. It can be hard to know which of my multiple personalities to trust! You should hear their comments!

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Confessions of a Dizzy Artist

Confessions of a Dizzy Artist

I had so many things crowding my brain last Friday, it made me dizzy! Therefore, I spent hours driving around. But 3 lucky realizations saved the day.

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Inspiration: Guest Post by Tara Choate

Tara Choate writes a guest post about the near mythical relevance that inspiration holds for an artist. Is Inspiration the process or the idea itself? Read Tara’s take on this fascinating topic.

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Guest Post by Melissa Gannon

Melissa Gannon shares a guest post this week in celebration of 12 years of Art is Truth. Thank you, Melissa - for sharing your work and words. This blogging anniversary is rich with inspiration. INSPIRATION! Guest Post by Melissa Gannon I am very honored to be a guest...

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Guest Blog Post: Margaret Godfrey

Guest Blog Post: Margaret Godfrey

Guest post by my dear friend, Margaret Godfrey: “What happens when a painting comes from the depths of your emotions? My artwork “Enduring the Cure” is exactly that–a painting from the depths of my emotions.“

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Confident Color Online Workshop

Confident Color Online Workshop

Confident Color is an online workshop designed to focus on using color expressively. You’ll gain knowledge, inspiration and confidence in your color choices. Join us!

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